WEIGHT LOSS programme
Emily has created a structured nutritional programme called the ‘nutritionist subscription’ that rebalances and resets your metabolism, supports you in increasing your energy for movement, and helps your body burn fat as you move towards your weight loss goals. This programme provides a personalised eating plan designed for your body lasting for 4, 8 or 12 weeks. It is curated using your current health status, your medical history and the foods you love to eat. Following this programme to support your metabolism, rebalance your cravings and support you in achieving healthy and happy weight loss that can be maintained for a lifetime.
The process
1:1 support for any questions or queries during the programmes.
Weekly video call check-ins to discuss progress and any challenges.
Plan adjustments and updated recipes on request ie around holidays or work.
Email contact for maintaining motivation and adherence.
Eating out guide and menu analysis to maintain balance.