Butterbean ‘hummus’ with pickled cucumber ribbons and watercress


Creamy butterbeans make the perfect partner to the acidic tang of cucumber ribbons and peppery watercress. A play on hummus, butterbeans are smashed with garlic, kefir and lemon juice to produce a tangy and vibrant base. Addition of kefir adds another gut loving kick, after eating this you will feel fuelled and satisfied and your body will thank you for it!

Whats the deal with watercress? Where to start! All of those bitter, peppery flavours are due to an array of phytonutrients and phenolic compounds which are what we should be looking for in our salad leaves… iceberg who? Please check out this page by the watercress company if you would like to discover more about this wonderful leaf. But seriously everyone, if you are making your salads please use leaves like rocket, watercress and spinach to bump up the nutritional value. This one is so quick and easy, a perfect lunch box companion or speedy dinner. This ticks off the whole list when it comes to health and flavour!

You will need:

1 tin butter beans

2 tablespoons kefir (or any other bio live yoghurt if you can’t get kefir)

Juice of 1/2 lemon and zest

1 tsp garlic paste

Salt and pepper to season

1 tsp tahini (if you don’t have leave out)

1/2 cucumber

Dill (can omit if you don’t have)

1 red chilli

150ml white wine vinegar


Salmon fillet or mackerel


  1. Start with the pickled cucumber. Cut the cucumbers into ribbons using either a peeler or wide section of a grater. In a bowl, combine the cucumber, vinegar, chilli and dill. Set aside to marinate for 30 minutes (if you want to speed this up simply warm this on the hob, then drain immediately)

  2. Make the butter bean ‘hummus’. Drain a tin of butterbeans, then either using a masher or food processor, smash the beans together with minced garlic (if using a raw clove, do so with caution! No one wants to chow down on a large piece of raw garlic. Add the kefir, 1 tsp tahini and mix until you reach the consistency you want (not too wet). Season with lemon juice, zest and salt&pepper.

  3. Spoon the hummus onto a plate to cover the base.

  4. Drain the cucumber ribbons and toss together with watercress leaves. Pile on top of the hummus.

  5. Drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil around the hummus.

  6. Top with a beautiful salmon fillet, but mackerel will work just as well.


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